WordPress Updated to latest: 2.8.5

Thanks to the local dev server setup I have, along with svn and git, I’ve successfully and painlessly updated to wordpress 2.8.5.  Pushing changes to the wordpress_base branch on my site is quite simple, as I don’t really plan on modifying the core wordpress code that much.  Any changes to the code made by an svn update will only change files that I probably haven’t ever touched, so merging branches should be painless.  Plus, the core wordpress code is tracked by svn, while both the core code and my changes are tracked by git.  That way, I’ve got my own local branches that incorporate any updates made by svn, plus everything else.

In case you’re really interested and wondering how this is all done, see the following links:



Basically all you have to do is follow the wordpress update instructions from the 2nd link, but replace the svn switch command with the one found at the 1st link.  The way to update in git is pretty smart, since all core wordpress code changes are tracked in the main wordpress_base branch, then updated via svn, put the changes into a new integration branch, then rebase the master branch onto that one & checkout the merged changes to the master branch.

Originally it seemed stupid to use svn to track the remote wordpress repo, however I tried using git’s svn capabilities and found that the only supported way to switch svn tags within git broke everything, so it’s actually better and more painless to use both CVS systems.